Text Marketing Outperforms Traditional Forms of Marketing

by billmason on June 27, 2011

When it comes down to new methods of marketing for any business, text marketing is one of the top new methods of the 21st century sales job. The great thing about text marketing, is that any industry can utilize it.  There used to be a time in which certain forms of marketing weren’t very practical for certain industries. But with the use of text messages, any industry can get any type of message that it would like to get out to others.  There are specific reasons why text marketing is one of THE marketing strategies that every business should at least consider utilizing for their sales job, and for their marketing efforts:

Text marketing is widely used: Just about everybody in today’s world has a cell phone or some type of mobile device.  Companies all over the world know that they have no problems in reaching people within their cell phones or mobile devices, because people are practically attached to the ear with these products.  In the past they had to rely on print advertising, if they even decided to go that route at all.  The problem with this is that there is no way to know if a person had actually gotten a hold of what was in print. However with today’s text messaging, if a person’s phone number or e-mail address is available to the texter, then so many more people can hear what the message is about.

Low cost and high return upon investment: Again in the past for a sales job, if a company wanted to get the word out about their business, they had to depend upon traditional advertising methods.  Traditional advertising by nature is very expensive.  Many entities, like magazines for example, depend upon advertising revenues to stay afloat.  Therefore, they would charge the advertisers an enormous amount of money, and those costs would be passed on to business clients. In this current economy, it’s very important for every business entity to save money while finding creative ways to earn money.  Text marketing does this very beautifully.  Not only does it cost next to nothing, but because so many people are guaranteed to at least see the message, the business entity can be guarantee of a high return upon investment.

Text message are sent via mobile devices: When companies had to depend on print advertising or radio advertising, not only do they not have a way of knowing how many people actually got the message, but a lot of these literally drown in the trash.  So this is the same as a business owner taking hundreds of dollars and lighting them on fire.  The thought of this might make a lot of people sick, and this is exactly why text messages make sense financially.  As stated before, mobile devices are the fabric of our society nowadays.  It’s very hard to find someone that doesn’t have a cell phone ,or an iPhone, or some type of mobile device.  Text messaging addresses so many of these people.

High targeted audiences: Not only can business entities, or a profession in a sales job make sure that they’re getting their message out to as many people as possible through text messaging, but they can use highly targeted text messages to just the right people that they want to target. With text marketing, they can know for sure that they are sending the message out to exactly the people that they want to have the message,  and the exact people that they wish to have a response from.

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