Art of Root Canalling – Various Techniques

by billmason on June 30, 2011

Root canal is done for the purpose of elimination of micro organisms from the root canal system and it is the generator of majority of dental hygiene jobs. Micro organisms are seen in 3 different modes: first: suspension in the root canal; second: colonizing the canal walls; and third: colonizing the dentinal tubules. Though it is not possible fully sterilizing the root canal system, removal of the micro organisms and their products can bring healing to some extent. This process removes pulp tissue which is infected. Actually a root canal is nothing but the space within the root of our teeth. It consists of a pulp chamber, main canal(s), and various anatomical branches.

Working on length determination

Dental hygiene careers involve delicate work with client’s teeth and oral problems. Therefore when elaborate treatments are required, the work length and time of treatment should be predetermined. This is done through the preoperative radiograph. It gives the approximate average length of the tooth. The person handling the dental hygiene jobs selects a reproducible coronal point which is not a part of tooth which may break off. Then a file which is large enough to be seen on radiograph is selected and inserted into the root canal. Mostly a distance of one mm of the radiographic apex is generally accepted as a proper estimate of the terminal part of the canal. This is an accepted fact for international dental hygiene jobs too. Only where the root tips are narrow and there is apical root resorption, then the working length is decreased more than one mm. There are various other technical reasons which will change these calculations and hence also change the working length determination. You can have an electronic apex locator handy in this process.

Width of the taper and other mechanical preparations

In majority of dental hygiene jobs and the width of the taper to which the canal is prepared is solely dependent on personal choice and experience. Narrowly tapered preparations care chosen if they help to clean and obdurate properly without compromising the root strength. The controlled removal of dentin through manipulation of the instruments used in root canal is called mechanical preparation. Here the design as well as sharpness of the cutting edge; method in which it is manipulated; force applied; and the operator’s skill are all taken into consideration. The operator can rotate the instruments used in root canal clockwise or use the push as well as pull filing motion for the cleaning purpose.

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