More New Trends in Employment in the U.S.

by billmason on May 1, 2010

Ever wonder how it is certain buzzwords, catchphrases and trends suddenly dominate the morning national news, blogs and various articles? From nowhere, we’re told that without these new breakthroughs and habits to rule our lives, we’re destined for an unfulfilled existence. Sort of makes you wonder how we existed and found happiness prior to these revelations, right? We’ll take a look at some of these new catchphrases and attempt to discern those that are legitimate from those that are just plain silly.

Work Life Balance – A personal favorite; it’s all about perspective. Except, it’s not new. It’s the same struggle in pretty new packaging that we as a human race have attempted to find in our lives since the beginning of time. Just ask the millions of working American moms and they’ll tell you. In the 80s and 90s, it was all about powerful climbs up the proverbial ladder that included eighty hour work weeks. Now, it’s shifted to the importance of drawing the line and taking a stand against those long hours. Indeed, work life balance is the new career objective in the new millennium. We don’t suggest you include that in your resume, though, anymore than you would have included your goal working sixteen hour days in the 80s or 90s. Still, it’s a great way to keep priorities straight.

Core Competencies – Also known as “skill sets” job seekers might mention while looking for new career opportunities, this catchphrase sounds more professional. An individual’s core competencies might include leadership skills, finding creative solutions and the ability to foster teamwork. Companies now define departmental core competencies with mission statements that might include exceptional customer service or a dedication to provide innovative solutions. A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder of says a mission statement is crucial in today’s contemporary business model and an ideal way to provide visual reassurances of a company’s commitment to customers.

Metawork – This buzzword is about working so you can work. Confusing, yes? Consider this: You prepare your resume, browse the jobs on and take a few notes – these are all metawork: working so you can work. The actual work, of course, is after you’ve landed your new job opportunity. In the not so distant past, we happily used the phrase “laying the foundation” instead of the catchy little word “metawork” came into play.

Time Management Matrix – This gem was recently accredited to Stephen Covey and basically amounts to four quadrants with the goal of determining important, urgent, not very important or not urgent as the basis of effective time management. Formerly known as a to-do list, this is a better approach for many.

Regardless of how we define time management, our strengths and weaknesses and even our ability to prepare, A. Harrison Barnes agrees each is important, especially in our career choices. Fortunately, the metawork’s been done for you on; you might just find the ideal new career opportunity that allows you to incorporate your core competencies.

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